Tuesday, February 5, 2019

My resolve for Chinese New Year 2019

      Late 2018 to beginning of 2019 is a difficult period for me. I am forced to take urgent leave to travel back to Ipoh because of some crisis happened to my family. As a result, I have no more annual leave to spend on celebrating Chinese New Year in my hometown this year. This is humiliating because my freedom of making choices in life is now being restrained by my employer. If not for the month end salary, I would have casted the ultimatum and say goodbye to the corporate world once and for all already!

      One good thing about this experience is that it strengthened my resolve to achieve financial independence as early as possible. This will enable me to make choices freely in my life without having to negotiate or yield to anyone else who have the ability to make my life miserable. As for now, I must endure, be patient and work harder to build my passive income portfolio. This is what I can do now.

      I will swallow the pain and remember this humiliation well! I will! This will be the key to my "vengeance" on the corporate world one day!